Our Services

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

FM-SCA aims to improve mental health and psychosocial well-being of individual Afghan refugee in united states.

Our approach is community-based psychosocial support that builds upon existing strengths and resources, empowering communities, groups, families, and individuals to care for themselves and each other.

The programming we designed it is combination of Afghanistan and united States to helps refugee address the accumulative trauma, separation, loss fear, isolation, cultural crash distress, daily stress of living on the margins of new cultural and rule.

Psychotherapy / Psychosocial Counseling

FM-SCA with bilinguals certified psychotherapist/counselors, providing virtual and in person counseling services, it is great honor our therapists are available 24 hours 7 days a week to help our clients, please contact from any part of the world and benefit from our virtual services.

Please contact us and get advantage from our free psycho education virtual class monthly base for following issue.

  • Sleep disorder.
  • Mood disorder
  • Stress management
  • Trauma healing.
  • Cultural orientation
  • Cultural shock, and cultural harmonization
  • Drug, alcohol and tabaco control

Trauma Informed Care

FM_SCA is a supporting those who have experienced trauma to heal, develop their resilience, and lead full, productive lives. We call this trauma-informed care.

FM-SCA expertise in trauma-informed care has been designed for working with Afghan displaced person including women and children who have experienced profound trauma because of war, displacement, domestic violence human trafficking and abuse.

With trauma-informed care, we are helping resilience to find their straighten and cop with negative thought. The Centre of Excellence for Trauma-informed Care is a collaborative space virtual and in person what we believe is the most effective means of recovery for trauma survivors across the globe.

We offer training in trauma-informed care for refugee and organization supporting refugee, as well as resources that enable those delivering trauma-informed care to practice self-care so that they can serve survivors better.

Psycho Education/ Peer Support

FM-SCA has designed the psycho education program to improve mental health and psychosocial well-being, individual and reduce suffering among all refugees IDP and disadvantage community, our approach is  community-based psychosocial support services that build upon existing strengths and resources, empowering communities, groups, families, and individuals to care for themselves and each other. The programming helps survivors address the grief, fear, isolation, and distress that can result from forced flight, surviving or witnessing violence, loss or separation from family, and the daily stress of living on the margins of foreign cities or in refugee camps.

 FM-SCA offers integrated and stand-alone psychosocial activities that are tailored to each community and to individual refugees to help them establish new lives built on dignity and self-sufficiency. Our programming is consistent with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings. Areas of focus include.